Discover the Dyscalculia Test

Unlock the path to understanding numerical challenges.

The Dyscalculia Test helps identify difficulties in understanding numbers and math, providing insights to support individuals struggling with numerical concepts.

Take the Dyscalculia Test Now

About Our Dyscalculia Assessment

Empowering individuals to understand their mathematical abilities

What is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difference that affects a person's ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. It's often described as the mathematical equivalent of dyslexia.

Individuals with dyscalculia may struggle with basic arithmetic, understanding numerical quantities, and grasping mathematical concepts that their peers seem to learn with ease.

Dyscalculia is more than just difficulty with math; it's a specific learning difference that affects numerical processing and mathematical reasoning. Our assessment helps identify these challenges and provides strategies for overcoming math learning difficulties.

Our Approach

Our dyscalculia assessment is designed by educational psychologists and math specialists. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of mathematical thinking and processing.

Through a series of carefully crafted questions and tasks, we aim to identify potential areas of difficulty and provide personalized insights to help individuals better understand their learning needs.

How do you know if you have dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difference that affects a person's ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. It is estimated that about 5-7% of elementary school children may have dyscalculia.

Common signs of dyscalculia include:

  • Difficulty understanding numerical quantities
  • Struggles with basic arithmetic operations
  • Problems with telling time or understanding sequences
  • Challenges with spatial reasoning and directions
  • Difficulty remembering math facts or formulas
  • Anxiety or frustration when faced with mathematical tasks

If you or someone you know experiences persistent difficulties with these areas, it might be worth taking a dyscalculia test and consulting with an educational specialist.

How Does The Dyscalculia Test Work?

Answer Questions

Respond to a series of carefully crafted questions about your math experiences and abilities.

Complete Tasks

Engage in interactive math tasks designed to assess various numerical processing skills.

Receive Analysis

Get a personalized analysis based on your responses and performance, highlighting potential areas of difficulty.

Explore Resources

Access tailored resources and recommendations based on your test results.

Remember, mathematical abilities are diverse and complex. This test is just one tool among many that can help you understand your learning style and needs.

It's always okay to seek support and explore different strategies for improving your math skills.

Why Choose Our Assessment?

A comprehensive approach to understanding mathematical learning differences


Developed using the latest research in dyscalculia and mathematical learning differences.

Comprehensive Testing

Multiple assessment areas to identify specific challenges and strengths.

Private & Secure

Your test results and personal information are kept completely confidential.

Personalized Insights

Get detailed feedback tailored to your unique pattern of responses.


Take the test at your own speed, without time pressure.

Expert Support

Access to resources and guidance from educational specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Dyscalculia Test

Ready to Experience the Dyscalculia Test?

Take the first step toward understanding and overcoming numerical challenges. The Dyscalculia Test provides the clarity you need to support meaningful change.